1: 1. Choose the right container 2. Use high-quality soil mix

2: 3. Provide adequate sunlight 4. Water regularly, but don't overwater

3: 5. Feed with organic fertilizer 6. Pinch off suckers for better growth

4: 7. Support with cages or stakes 8. Mulch to conserve moisture and prevent weeds

5: 9. Monitor for pests and diseases 10. Prune for better air circulation

6: 11. Harvest ripe tomatoes regularly 12. Save seeds for next year's plants

7: 13. Rotate crops to prevent disease buildup 14. Consider companion planting for natural pest control

8: 15. Use a trellis for vertical growth 16. Protect from extreme weather with coverings

9: 17. Enjoy the fruits of your labor! Happy gardening!

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